Friday, August 22, 2008

Cause and Effect

Richard seems to be enjoying his bouncy chair more. He used to pretty much ignore the music bar, but he seems to be looking at it more and to have worked out that hitting the blue bird will start the music. The books say cause and effect is an important concept for babies. Of course he was playing with it more right before I grabbed the camera.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Smiling for Grandma :)

OK so here is my first attempt to get Richard to smile (on camera) for grandma. I keep trying to catch him being cute on camera, but as soon as I run to get it, he's stopped, is crying, or has fallen asleep.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

WiiFit Mama

You may remember a few months back this video made a few headlines. The day I went to Hopkins for labor induction, we made a sort of parody of it. Wow was I big! You don't realize until you see video of yourself. From the back. Anyways, I just now got around to figuring out how to upload video to my computer and blog. More appealing video (of Richard) to follow soon. I promise.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Richard is starting to smile! It was hard to capture on camera, but I think I got at least a few half-smiles. Today we had lunch with Tracy and Lilian at the Kiss Cafe in Canton. Yum! We met at our prenatal class and Lilian was born a week before Richard. Lilian is such a cutie - I'm sure Richard was wondering if she liked younger men :)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Centennial Park

There was a request for picture of us with Richard. Here are some shots from Centennial Park. Ted and Richard are wearing matching outfits, but you can't really tell that from the pictures.

Fun With Mirrors

I suppose at some point we all look in the mirror and ask ourselves, "Who is that person?"

Monday, August 4, 2008

Doctor's Visit

Richard had his second Doctor's visit today. He was 10.8 lbs, 23.75 inches long, and his head circumference was 37.5 cm. According to this, That puts him at the 51st, 92nd, and 17th percentiles, respectively. They assured me that his small head circumference would not keep him out of Harvard. It seems Richard will be pretty tall; based on our heights, this predicts that he will be 6 feet and 1/2 inch. Based on his current height, this predicts that he will be 6 feet and 1.6 inches.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Full House

We have quite a full house this weekend - Ted's friends John and Gary are here, as well as Richard's Great Grandmother Bunce and her friend Rosie, who managed to coax a smile out of Richard.