Monday, August 4, 2008

Doctor's Visit

Richard had his second Doctor's visit today. He was 10.8 lbs, 23.75 inches long, and his head circumference was 37.5 cm. According to this, That puts him at the 51st, 92nd, and 17th percentiles, respectively. They assured me that his small head circumference would not keep him out of Harvard. It seems Richard will be pretty tall; based on our heights, this predicts that he will be 6 feet and 1/2 inch. Based on his current height, this predicts that he will be 6 feet and 1.6 inches.


Anonymous said...

That's a 40% mass increase and 19% height increase in a month. At that rate, by the time he's 21 he'll be 190 feet tall, weighing in at 12,500 lbs! Forget Harvard, he'll have his pick of football scholarships…!

Anonymous said...

Are there any pictures from Richard's doctor visit you can share?

Aunty Kristen

Jeannie said...

No, sorry - but I hope to have some more pictures soon.

tracy said...

Our kids have the same sized heads. Though asof yesterday, she was 9.6 and 21.

Jeannie said...

That's a relief - I've really been obsessing about his small head.