Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Two Month Doctor's Visit

Richard had his two-month visit today. Very traumatic. Four shots this time; he's fine - I cried like a baby, though. It seems he has some sort of neck issue, so he is going to see a physical therapist next week. Massive mommy-guilt. Not enough tummy time? Bad carseat? What did I do wrong? Also, he has a slight heart murmur. Dr. Chang told me rather matter-of-factly that these are typically caused by small holes in the heart. Holes in the heart??? Ohmyfreakingod! (Insert sounds of me hyperventilating approximately here). In case you're interested in stats, he was 25 inches long, 13lbs 7oz, and his head circumference was 39.5cm. This puts him in the 95th, 75th, and 25th percentiles, respectively. He is still on track for his basketball scholarship.

addendum: after doing some research, it seems the neck issue was congenital, so feeling better about that. Also, the heart murmur is no big deal, usually they go away. I think it was the whole "hole in the heart" thing that freaked me out.


tracy said...

What a big strong boy!!!! And I hated those shots, too. The big fat tears rolling down Lily's face broke my heart!!

Is it torticollis Richard has? From what I've read, it's nothing you did!! I'm so sorry about the heart murmer. ven if the ped's not concerned, I can totally empathize w/ your anxiety!!!!

Jeannie said...

yes, torticollis :) It's not too pronounced, though - it seems it will be fixable.