Sunday, January 11, 2009

They Grow Up So Fast...

Richard has been making big gains this past month. He's rolling all over the floor, eating solid food (though he wasn't a fan of the peas), and sitting on his own. Friday when I picked him up from school, there he was, holding his own bottle. This morning, he has the beginning of his first tooth. Next week he'll want my car keys.


tracy said...

What a growing boy he is!! Lilian's working on tooth two as of yesterday. It's so heartbreaking!
She's in 75th percentile for height and 50th for weight. They'll make a very nice couple.

Unfortunately, she's also lazy. She's completely capable of holding her own bottle; she just chooses not to most of the time.

Anonymous said...

Richard isn't a complainer, but he has recently e-mailed me about his "sweet pea" feeding and clearly stated that he doesn't like them! He is requesting macaroni and cheese and pasta.
Aunty Kristen

Jeannie said...

Sorry! Mac and cheese and pasta is way to carb-y.. Ted would never allow it! Of course, what happens at Aunty Kristen's stays at Aunty Kristen's...