Sunday, December 28, 2008

Opening Presents

Richard needed a little help unwrapping his presents but he is digging his new dinosaur and penguin booties and his Baby Einstein DVD.

Getting Ready for Carnegie Hall

Richard seems to be enjoying his new Fisher Price piano. He'll be ready for Carnegie Hall in no time :)

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Richard seems to get cuter everyday. He had a good time unwrapping presents at Christmas, though I'm not sure he really knew what was going on. Oh well, it was fun to watch him anyways.


My sister Kristen and Ted's mother and stepfather came for Thanksgiving. A good time was had by all. Richard enjoyed dancing on his για-γιά 's lap.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Feeling Hot, Hot Hot...

Here is Richard in his second Halloween costume, donated to us by one of Ted's Make a Wish families.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Four-Month Doctor's Visit

Richard went to the pediatrician's this afternoon. For those of you interested in stats: he is 27.5 inches long, weighs 16 lbs, and has a head circumference of 41.5 cm. This puts him in the 97th, 75th, and 25th percentiles, respectively. He's still on track to be about 6'2". Ted, nice guy that he is, took the day off and went with me, so that I could leave before he got his shots.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting....

Here is Richard in Haloween costume #1, a gift from NASA Mike. All the partying wore him out. Haloween costume #2 to come soon.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sitting Up

Richard seems to be enjoying his new bumbo seat.

Picture Day

Richard got dressed up last week for picture day. Doesn't he look cute?

Hanging Out With Dad

It seems both Richard and Ted enjoy a comfy seat in front of the television.

Aunt Maria and Cousin Sophie

Richard met his Aunt Maria and cousin Sophia a few weeks ago.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Two Month Doctor's Visit

Richard had his two-month visit today. Very traumatic. Four shots this time; he's fine - I cried like a baby, though. It seems he has some sort of neck issue, so he is going to see a physical therapist next week. Massive mommy-guilt. Not enough tummy time? Bad carseat? What did I do wrong? Also, he has a slight heart murmur. Dr. Chang told me rather matter-of-factly that these are typically caused by small holes in the heart. Holes in the heart??? Ohmyfreakingod! (Insert sounds of me hyperventilating approximately here). In case you're interested in stats, he was 25 inches long, 13lbs 7oz, and his head circumference was 39.5cm. This puts him in the 95th, 75th, and 25th percentiles, respectively. He is still on track for his basketball scholarship.

addendum: after doing some research, it seems the neck issue was congenital, so feeling better about that. Also, the heart murmur is no big deal, usually they go away. I think it was the whole "hole in the heart" thing that freaked me out.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sarah and Matt's Wedding

Here are the happy couple. I love this picture outside the church with all the bubbles. The next picture is me and Richard (I was a bridesmaid, he was the ringbearer). He was dashing in his tux, no? The last picture is Richard in the arms of Tia Carrere, a place I think most men would want to be! She is Matt's cousin, in case you were wondering how I managed that shot. The next day at their pool party, Ted got to sing "Endless Love" karaoke with Tia. Two male fantasies realized in one weekend. Sweet.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Cause and Effect

Richard seems to be enjoying his bouncy chair more. He used to pretty much ignore the music bar, but he seems to be looking at it more and to have worked out that hitting the blue bird will start the music. The books say cause and effect is an important concept for babies. Of course he was playing with it more right before I grabbed the camera.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Smiling for Grandma :)

OK so here is my first attempt to get Richard to smile (on camera) for grandma. I keep trying to catch him being cute on camera, but as soon as I run to get it, he's stopped, is crying, or has fallen asleep.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

WiiFit Mama

You may remember a few months back this video made a few headlines. The day I went to Hopkins for labor induction, we made a sort of parody of it. Wow was I big! You don't realize until you see video of yourself. From the back. Anyways, I just now got around to figuring out how to upload video to my computer and blog. More appealing video (of Richard) to follow soon. I promise.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Richard is starting to smile! It was hard to capture on camera, but I think I got at least a few half-smiles. Today we had lunch with Tracy and Lilian at the Kiss Cafe in Canton. Yum! We met at our prenatal class and Lilian was born a week before Richard. Lilian is such a cutie - I'm sure Richard was wondering if she liked younger men :)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Centennial Park

There was a request for picture of us with Richard. Here are some shots from Centennial Park. Ted and Richard are wearing matching outfits, but you can't really tell that from the pictures.

Fun With Mirrors

I suppose at some point we all look in the mirror and ask ourselves, "Who is that person?"

Monday, August 4, 2008

Doctor's Visit

Richard had his second Doctor's visit today. He was 10.8 lbs, 23.75 inches long, and his head circumference was 37.5 cm. According to this, That puts him at the 51st, 92nd, and 17th percentiles, respectively. They assured me that his small head circumference would not keep him out of Harvard. It seems Richard will be pretty tall; based on our heights, this predicts that he will be 6 feet and 1/2 inch. Based on his current height, this predicts that he will be 6 feet and 1.6 inches.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Full House

We have quite a full house this weekend - Ted's friends John and Gary are here, as well as Richard's Great Grandmother Bunce and her friend Rosie, who managed to coax a smile out of Richard.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

One Month Old!

Richard is one month old today! He enjoyed watching his mom put together her and Ted's gift to themselves to mark the occasion - an automated swing which alternately fascinates him into silence and lulls him to sleep. A gift that keeps on giving. Happy one-month birthday!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Some Candid Shots

Richard is getting bigger and more alert. Here are some candid shots I took today. He even smiles on occasion now, and I think he has some pretty cute dimples. Hope this satisfies Grandma :)

Grandma has spoken...

I got this e-mail a few days ago. Sorry I've been somewhat delinquent in posting pictures.

This Sunday

Chris and Karen came over to meet Richard and also to test drive the new wii fit. Richard seemed more interested in sleeping than trying out the wii.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

First Bath!

Richard had his first real bath today. I think it was a little traumatic for him, but after he was all clean and dried off, he felt much better. That's what I tell myself, anyways :) Afterwards, we went for a long walk around the lake in Centennial Park.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Visit from Γιαγιά

Richard's Γιαγιά (grand- mother) and her husband were here this weekend. A good time was had by all. She brought him a traditional greek costume that was Ted's when he was little. It's similar to this, but more authentic.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Aunty Kristen

... is in town. Being a reading specialist, she brought him some great books and also a contribution to his college account. Thank-you Aunt Kristen!

And More Gadgets to Figure Out

Today Grandma helped me figure out how to adjust the baby bjorn she got us. We put him in it, but it seemed like the arm holes were too high, and he was getting pinched. I imagine we'll have to experiment with it a bit.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Supper Time

Richard loves being held and fed by Grandpa. Grandma is still refusing to be photo -graphed.

One We Won't Use...

Yesterday we took photos for Richard's birth announce- ments. Although he's usually quite alert, he would not open his eyes for the camera. Here's a shot we won't be using - but it's cute all the same, I think. Grandma (who refused to be photographed, by the way) and I kept trying to wake him up, but he was having none of it. By the way, shutterfly has the cheapest photo announcements I could find, (if you happen to be in the market for them) and the coupon code VS09-VISA gives you 15% off any order. Another useful coupon code is tenoff which will give you 10% off any photostamp order.

Richard's First Book

Katie sent us this great book and Richard seems to like looking at it - you can see his eyes moving around the page. It seems newborns are only able to focus on things that are between 8 and 15 inches away, and they are most interested in stark contrasts, like the ones in this book.

Trolley Trail #9

Today we went for a nice walk down Trolley Trail # 9. Richard loved being pushed in his stroller by Grandpa Sheppard.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Big Day

Yesterday was quite a big day - Richard had his first pediatrician's visit and he is 100%. He has gained back up to his birthweight plus 2oz, and has grown 3/4 of an inch in just one week! Then, we went to the airport to pick up Grandma and Grandpa Sheppard. Grandparent picture goodness to follow shortly, but here's a picture of us all at graduation - Richard is hiding under my robes.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Actually, It Does Take a Rocket Scientist

... to figure out how to attach the car seat to the stroller using its special ganciomatic system. Richard had his first visitor, Ken, over to the house, and we all went for a walk. Ted was especially pleased with the stroller's high handles and excellent cornering ability.

First Night Out

Last night we all went to a cookout at Mary Helen and Steve's. Boy did we have a lot to learn about mobilizing the three of us - We got there unfashionably late and Ted had to drive back to the house because we'd forgotten the diaper bag. Afterwards, though, we had a great dinner at Outback, which was empty since everyone was out watching fireworks. After dinner, Ted, in keeping with his 4th of July custom of presenting me with jewelry, gave me a beautiful pair of diamond earrings. Call me a material girl, but nothing says "thank-you" like a couple of diamonds!

Time With Daddy

Ted is such a natural at this! Now if we could just figure out how to change his diaper without getting peed on...

Tummy Time

On Thursday, we tried some tummy time - and he didn't seem to mind it at all.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Demure Richard...

Today was a long march of bottles and diapers. Later in the evening, though, we listened to some Mozart together. He drifted off to sleep, no doubt dreaming of the day he can start piano lessons.

Pensive Richard...

Welcome Home!

Richard looks tiny in his crib, but he seems to be adapting to his new and spacious accommodations.

The Ringbearer

Richard is really looking forward to being the ring bearer at Sarah and Matt's upcoming wedding.