And I am still here. Yup. Slept twelve hours last night, which is very unusual for me. I've threatened to start charging Richard rent, but he seems unconcerned. Grocery store, sewing and a long walk are on the menu for today. I took the online test for Jeopardy a few months back - it was super hard and I was sure I had failed, but it seems I passed, and I have an audition (another written test, mock game, and personality interview) on Thursday, July 31 in DC. No guarantee at all that I'll get on the show, but exciting, still. Wes has promised me his copy of the book "How to Get on Jeopardy and Win". There are a lot of topics I'm weak in, like sports. Right now I'm studying US Presidents and Shakespeare, classic Jeopardy topics.
This website has archives of all the questions from past Jeopardy games, so it's useful to identify weak areas for me.