Friday, June 27, 2008

Not Richard's Mama (Yet)

Well, we can officially put to rest the "eat spicy food to bring on labor" myth. Just got back from my second go at that at Nacho Mama's. Spicy food at a restaurant with the word "mama" in it should really have done the trick, don't you think? Going to see Wall-E with Ted tonight. It got excellent reviews. Many thanks to Matt for sending me this cool link. Maybe tonight's the night. My theory is that I will tempt the fates by going somewhere where I would least like to go into labor, thus inviting it. Not sure exactly where that would be, but during dinner and/or movie at big mall sounds sufficiently inconvenient. Also, we'll be in separate cars, thus compounding said inconvenience.


Jessica said...

not sure if you can call Nacho Mama's spicy. but i agree, that old wive's tale didn't work for me (none of them did, grrr).

Jeannie said...

Not on its own, I agree, but I doused everything with the hottest hot sauce they had.